No. 4 - Innovative Learning Techniques

Talking Tech

This week's theme is "Innovative learning techniques." We're diving deep into the various methods that individuals with ADHD can use to thrive in their studies! Of course, these come with a tech twist, differing from what you may be accustomed to.

If you've been following along for the past few weeks, you'll know I strive to bring value to all readers. This week, I've got something special for those interested in AI. A unique weekly prompt that's sure to help level up your knowledge, regardless of your focus!

Here, the educational focus is directed squarely toward people with their own businesses. If you're a solopreneur, freelancer, or running a side hustle (or three), this one's for you. And even if you're not, stick around.

Featured Article

The Feynman Technique: Your Learning, Turbocharged!

Have you ever tried to explain something complex and found yourself tangled up in your own words? This is where the Feynman Technique shines. This four-step method was developed by Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate known for his ability to simplify and clarify complex principles. This method isn’t just a learning technique—it’s a way to deepen your understanding of the material and ensure that knowledge sticks.

Here’s a breakdown of the four steps:

  1. Select a Concept to Learn: Familiar with cooking terms? Think of this as your mise-en-place (getting all your ingredients prepared before you start to cook). Choose a topic that intrigues you, something you’ve always wanted to master. Maybe it’s a programming language like Python, or perhaps it’s something as mundane as baking the perfect batch of cookies. Start by jotting down everything you know about it, similar to how you might read through the whole recipe before starting to cook.

  2. Teach it to a Child: Now, imagine explaining this concept to a curious seven-year-old. How would you do it? You’d use simple language and analogies they understand, right? This step is about breaking down your sophisticated knowledge into bite-sized, digestible pieces. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough yet — Feynman’s words, not mine!

  3. Review and Refine Your Understanding: This is where you become both teacher and student. Where did you stumble? What couldn’t you explain clearly? Those are your knowledge gaps. Go back, study these areas, and refine your explanation. It’s an iterative process, like perfecting a recipe through multiple rounds of tasting and tweaking until the balance is just right.

  4. Organize Your Notes and Revisit Them Regularly: Finally, arrange your insights neatly. These notes are your personal cheat sheet. By revisiting them, you reinforce what you’ve learned and keep the details fresh, ready for whenever you need them.

Why It Works

The beauty of the Feynman Technique lies in its simplicity and the powerful principle it leverages: If you want to understand something well, teach it. The act of teaching forces you to structure your knowledge, explain it clearly, and adjust based on feedback, whether from an actual audience or a hypothetical one. This method doesn’t just fill gaps in your knowledge; it also enhances your ability to communicate, to think critically, and to approach problems creatively.

By adopting the Feynman Technique, you’re not just learning—you’re learning how to learn. Whether you’re a student grappling with new concepts, a professional aiming to master a new skill, or just someone curious about the world, this technique offers a roadmap to clearer understanding and better retention.

Embracing Neurodiversity

Spaced Repetition: A Powerful Tool for Enhanced Learning and Memory Retention

Spaced repetition is a learning strategy that optimizes memory performance by scheduling reviews of educational material at systematically increasing intervals. This approach ensures that information is revisited just as the learner is on the verge of forgetting it, reinforcing memory and enabling deeper learning.

Understanding Spaced Repetition

Key Principles
  1. Increasing Intervals: Reviews begin frequently–hours or days apart–and extend to weeks or months as mastery increases, thus optimizing memory retention over time.

  2. Active Recall: This method utilizes active recall, requiring learners to generate answers from memory, which strengthens neural connections more effectively than passive review.

  3. Adaptive Review: Review intervals are dynamically adjusted based on individual performance, ensuring that difficult material receives more attention until it is fully mastered.

Implementation Tools
  • Digital Flashcards: Platforms like Anki and Memorang automate the review process, adapting intervals based on user performance.

  • Software Applications: Various tools implement algorithms to customize the spacing of reviews, helping learners remember information more effectively.

  • Graduated Intervals: The Leitner system uses categorized flashcards that move to longer intervals as they are mastered, providing a structured approach to memory reinforcement.

Benefits for Everyone

Spaced repetition is scientifically validated to move knowledge from short-term to long-term memory, increasing retention and reducing the need for relearning. This makes it an efficient method for students and professionals alike, adaptable across various learning contents and complexity levels.

Special Advantages for ADHD Learners

People with ADHD often face challenges with working memory and attention span. Spaced repetition offers unique benefits for ADHD learners:

  • Structured Learning: It breaks learning into manageable sessions, preventing information overload and helping maintain focus.

  • Customizable Intervals: The intervals between reviews can be adjusted to match the learner’s pace, accommodating their unique learning curve.

  • Accessible Tools: Applications like Anki, Quizlet, and Mochi are frequently recommended for individuals with ADHD, providing practical ways to integrate spaced repetition into daily routines.

Readwise: A Game Changer for Entrepreneurs

How Readwise Masters Spaced Repetition

Readwise offers a user-friendly alternative to complex spaced repetition software through its Mastery algorithm, which uses a decaying recall probability model. Highlights are revisited based on their likelihood of being forgotten, ensuring that information remains fresh:

  • Initial Recall Half-Lives: Set at different durations (Soon: 7 days, Later: 14 days, Someday: 28 days) based on user interaction.

  • Dynamic Resurfacing: Highlights with a recall probability below 50% are prioritized in Daily Reviews, helping users focus on weaker areas.

Benefits for Entrepreneurs

For entrepreneurs, constant learning and information retention are crucial. Readwise makes it easier to retain key insights from extensive reading materials:

  • Efficient Review: Ensures important highlights from books and articles are revisited just before they are likely to be forgotten, maximizing retention without overwhelming the user.

  • Integration with Daily Routine: Fits seamlessly into daily workflows, making it simple for busy professionals to keep up with their reading and learning objectives.

Another advantage of Readwise is their more recent app, Reader which is included in a Readwise subscription. It has become my favorite read-later app and, in fact, just my favorite reading app, period. I frequently send documents, webpages, and ebooks to it just to use the “read now” feature. Pair that with its built-in highlighting that syncs directly with Readwise so you can benefit from their Mastery feature, and you’ve got a really powerful learning tool that fits in your phone.

In conclusion, spaced repetition, particularly when combined with tools like Readwise and Reader, provides a robust framework for improving memory retention. For individuals with ADHD, it offers a structured approach to managing learning effectively, while entrepreneurs benefit from maintaining a competitive edge through continuous and efficient learning. This strategy empowers all users to not only remember more but to truly master the information they learn.

You can try out Readwise and Reader for an entire month for free, but if you use my link, you’ll get an additional free month! There’s no reason not to try it out for yourself today and boost your information retention in the process.

AI Corner: The Weekly Prompt

A Custom-tailored, Self-guided, Skill-boosting Course

This is a special sneak peek at one of the several large prompt workflows I’ve been refining for my upcoming premium membership tier. I haven’t yet decided if it will be through email or my website, but it’s coming soon, and I’d love your feedback!

Today, I’m bringing you a complete walkthrough of a multi-prompt workflow that guides you in creating a customized learning path that you can follow to increase your high-value skills and gain a powerful competitive advantage on your own terms.

This is a departure from the usual format in that I am including the full transcript from the ChatGPT session so you can see exactly how to use this set of prompts to upskill and start living your best life.

So, without further ado:


You are a business and career path advisor who is adept at finding opportunities for individuals who are interested in self-development through targeted education efforts.  
When given a "user-profile", you seek the clearest opportunities for that individual to advance their career and grow their business.   
Analyze the following "user-profile" and, using the Pareto principle, determine which specific topics and subjects would represent a significant value-add to the user's business if they were to be proficient in those areas.  
### Opportunities for Jordan Castillo  
#### Key Areas of Focus:  
1. **Automation and Workflow Optimization:**  
- **Specifics:** Learning to automate repetitive tasks such as social media posting, client follow-ups, and content scheduling can significantly boost productivity. This includes mastering tools like Airtable for project management, Google Suite for communication, and [](<>]( for connecting various apps and automating workflows.  
- **Value-Add:** Reduces the mental load and need for constant attention to mundane tasks, freeing up creative energies for core business activities.  
2. **Digital Marketing Strategy:**  
- **Specifics:** Deepening knowledge in SEO, targeted advertising, and analytics. This involves understanding how to leverage platforms like Google Analytics and Facebook Ads to measure and increase the effectiveness of campaigns.  
- **Value-Add:** Enhances the ability to reach and engage with the target audience more effectively, directly impacting revenue and brand presence.  
3. **Financial Planning and Analysis:**  
- **Specifics:** Developing a better understanding of budgeting, cash flow management, and financial forecasting. This can be supported by tools like Excel for advanced financial modeling or dedicated finance management software.  
- **Value-Add:** Helps in making informed decisions about business growth, investment in new tools or services, and managing the financial health of the business.  
4. **Client Relationship Management (CRM) Systems:**  
- **Specifics:** Implementing and utilizing a CRM system effectively to maintain client information, track interactions, and automate communication.  
- **Value-Add:** Improves client satisfaction through timely responses and personalized service, leading to repeat business and referrals.  
5. **Mindfulness and Time Management:**  
- **Specifics:** Courses or workshops on mindfulness and time management tailored to individuals with ADHD could help in better managing workload and stress.  
- **Value-Add:** Directly addresses ADHD-related challenges like procrastination and feeling overwhelmed, thereby improving overall productivity and job satisfaction.  
### Implementation Strategy:  
For each of these focus areas, Jordan could explore self-paced online courses and hands-on workshops. Participation in relevant webinars and networking groups could also provide practical insights and peer support. Given Jordan's creative and fast-paced industry, integrating these skills could significantly enhance the efficiency and scalability of "CreativEdge Media."  
#### Personal Details:  
- **Name:** Avery Simmons  
- **Location:** Boulder, Colorado, USA  
- **Age:** 38  
- **Difficulties Attributed to ADHD:**  
- Struggles with time management, often losing track of how long tasks take  
- Finds it challenging to prioritize tasks, leading to important deadlines being missed  
- Experiences sensory overload in busy environments, affecting concentration  
- **Strengths Due to ADHD:**  
- Highly creative with a knack for innovative ideas and solutions  
- Energetic and enthusiastic about new projects and ventures  
- Excellent at brainstorming and generating a wide range of ideas quickly  
#### Business Details:  
- **Industry:** Environmental Technology  
- **Product/Service:** Avery's company develops and sells eco-friendly home automation products designed to reduce energy usage and carbon footprint.  
- **Business Name:** "GreenSmart Solutions"  
- **Business Location:** A physical office and development lab located in Boulder, Colorado, with products available both online and through selected retailers.  
- **Annual Earnings:** Approximately $95,000  


Opportunities for Avery Simmons

Key Areas of Focus:

  1. Energy and Environmental Technologies:

  • Specifics: Expanding knowledge of the latest trends and innovations in smart home technologies and renewable energy solutions. This could include learning about the Internet of Things (IoT) implementations that could enhance or complement Avery’s product line.

  • Value-Add: Keeps the business at the forefront of technological advances, ensuring a competitive edge and alignment with consumer demands for sustainable living.

  1. Advanced Time Management and Prioritization Techniques:

  • Specifics: Due to Avery’s ADHD-related challenges with time management, focusing on advanced scheduling systems and priority-setting frameworks (like Eisenhower Box or Pomodoro Technique) could be beneficial. Implementing tools like Google Calendar for rigorous scheduling and reminders could improve efficiency.

  • Value-Add: Minimizes time lost on low-priority tasks and enhances the ability to meet deadlines, improving overall productivity and reducing stress.

  1. Digital Marketing and Online Presence:

  • Specifics: Developing deeper skills in SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement to effectively promote eco-friendly products online. Utilizing platforms like Google Analytics and learning about eco-conscious consumer behaviors could tailor Avery’s marketing strategy more effectively.

  • Value-Add: Increases visibility and attractiveness of Avery’s products to environmentally conscious consumers, potentially boosting sales and market reach.

  1. Stress Management and Sensory Processing Strategies:

  • Specifics: Adopting techniques and routines to manage sensory overload and stress, particularly in busy environments like trade shows or the development lab. This might include mindfulness practices, designated quiet hours, or ergonomic adjustments in the workplace.

  • Value-Add: Enhances personal well-being and sustainability in business operations, allowing for prolonged focus and creativity in product development.

  1. Strategic Partnerships and Networking:

  • Specifics: Cultivating relationships with other green technology leaders and innovators. Joining or forming coalitions can lead to collaborative projects or the sharing of best practices, particularly in the Boulder area, known for its environmental initiatives.

  • Value-Add: Opens opportunities for co-development, funding, and enhanced product distribution channels, which can lead to increased business growth and influence in the eco-tech community.

Implementation Strategy:

To capitalize on these areas, Avery could engage in specific targeted training sessions, webinars, and conferences related to environmental technology and business management. Participating in local green tech incubators or innovation hubs in Boulder can also provide invaluable resources and networking opportunities. For personal productivity and stress management, exploring apps and techniques designed for ADHD management could yield significant personal and professional benefits.


First, using the 80/20 rule, select only the topics representing the highest immediate ROI of this user's time.   
Then, using the results, outline a self-guided educational curriculum to help this user increase their high-leverage skills that they can use to make their business more profitable in the shortest time span.  


Highest ROI Topics for Avery Simmons

Given the Pareto Principle, the following areas represent the highest immediate return on investment (ROI) for Avery, focusing on improving business profitability and personal productivity:

  1. Digital Marketing and Online Presence: Enhancing digital marketing skills will directly increase the visibility and sales of Avery’s eco-friendly products. This is crucial for an online and retail-distributed business model.

  2. Advanced Time Management and Prioritization Techniques: Effective time management is essential for Avery to overcome challenges related to ADHD, such as difficulty prioritizing tasks and managing deadlines. This will enable more efficient operations and better focus on high-impact activities.

Self-Guided Educational Curriculum

Digital Marketing and Online Presence

Weeks 1-2: SEO Fundamentals

  • Objective: Understand basic SEO principles and how to apply them to enhance website visibility.

  • Resources: Moz Beginner’s Guide to SEO, Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.

  • Action Items: Audit the current website for SEO performance and implement basic improvements.

Weeks 3-4: Content Marketing Strategy

  • Objective: Learn how to create valuable content that attracts and engages the target audience.

  • Resources: HubSpot Content Marketing Certification, Read articles on Content Marketing Institute.

  • Action Items: Develop a content calendar for the next quarter focusing on topics relevant to eco-friendly living and home automation.

Weeks 5-6: Social Media Engagement

  • Objective: Increase engagement on social media by learning best practices for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • Resources: Hootsuite Academy, Buffer’s Social Media Resources.

  • Action Items: Create and schedule regular posts using Buffer or Hootsuite. Engage with followers daily.

Week 7-8: Utilizing Analytics

  • Objective: Learn to use Google Analytics and social media analytics to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

  • Resources: Google Analytics Academy, QuickSprout’s Guide to Using Social Media Analytics.

  • Action Items: Set up goals in Google Analytics. Review data weekly and adjust strategies as needed.

Advanced Time Management and Prioritization Techniques

Week 1: Time Assessment

  • Objective: Identify time sinks and high-value activities.

  • Resources: Books like “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy and “168 Hours” by Laura Vanderkam.

  • Action Items: Track all activities for a week using a time-tracking tool like Timing.

Week 2-3: Mastering Scheduling Tools

  • Objective: Learn to use Google Calendar effectively to manage daily and weekly tasks.

  • Resources: Google’s Calendar Help Center, LinkedIn Learning’s Google Calendar courses.

  • Action Items: Set up detailed calendars for personal and professional tasks, integrating reminders for key tasks.

Week 4: Prioritization Frameworks

  • Objective: Apply prioritization frameworks to daily tasks.

  • Resources: “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, articles on the Eisenhower Matrix and Pomodoro Technique.

  • Action Items: Implement the Eisenhower Matrix for one week to prioritize tasks. Try the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus during work sessions.


This curriculum is designed to provide Avery with concise, actionable learning phases that maximize her time investment toward immediate business growth and personal productivity improvements. Each segment includes specific resources and action items to ensure that Avery not only learns the concepts but also applies them to see real-world benefits.

The above exchange shows that with a well-thought-out approach, it’s possible to create a truly unique and custom-tailored approach to boosting your knowledge and skills that directly apply to you and the role you play in further developing your business. I hope you’ve enjoyed this one and found it useful!

User Submission: Want to be featured in a future issue or on Reply to this email and let me know how you used this week's prompt!

With your help, this could become a weekly showcase for readers like you!

I’m going to keep the sign-off really short this week since I’m already way over my usual word count cutoff.

I’ll leave you with just two requests:

  1. If you’ve been enjoying The Newsletter so far, a testimonial would go a really long way in helping show your gratitude. A lot of effort goes into writing each issue, and I would love to know if they’re helping you. You can use this link to tell me what you think. It will only take two minutes!

  2. If you’d prefer to show your appreciation for what I do in another way, feel free to choose something off the following menu:

As always, thanks for reading along. Hope you join me again next week on The Newsletter!
